What is DBT and is it the right approach for you?
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy or DBT is a cognitive behavioral approach focusing on those who struggle with managing their intense emotional experience in everyday situations. Specifically, it is for those who lack coping mechanisms, have extreme emotional responses to stresses, and who struggle to maintain relationships because of emotional instability. The goal of DBT is “to help individuals change behavioral, emotional, thinking and interpersonal patterns associated with problems in living.” This is accomplished by focusing on different areas of distress and identifying coping tools to manage emotional deregulation.
Is it right for me?
This approach may seem straightforward and easy to implement. Those that benefit the most from this approach to therapy suffer when they are unable to center their emotions or tolerance levels to a baseline that is reasonable for them or those around them. If this is the case, it is important to find a therapist that has been extensively trained and supervised in DBT. The Treatment And Research Advancements for Borderline Personality Disorder offers the following tips to finding the right DBT Therapist at this link: https://www.tara4bpd.org/new-page-71/